SIT Student Association

The SIT Student Association is the recognized collective voice of the students.

The purpose of SITSA shall be:
1. Advocate for the SIT student body on such issues as student programs, student life, diversity and community.
2. Plan and/or implement and/or finance a varied program of student activities (in collaboration with DOSS when appropriate)
3. Ensure continuity of student representation, i.e work toward achieving progress on long-term or repeated concerns voiced in previous years by SITSA or other representative student organizations.
4. Responsibly disperse budget.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

April 16 Minutes

SITSA Minutes Meeting Dated April 16, 2010
Venue: Boyce Building
Time: 12H40pm
Chaired: Brittany Smith

1.Jeremy Harrison-Smith was introduced and welcome. Jeremy replaced Maegan. All the SITSA members were introduced to Jeremy. Brittany also briefed him about what SITSA mainly did like focusing on budget, and voting procedures whereby majority rule was the norm. Jeremy was granted an opportunity to ask questions.

2.There was fund request for $300 from soccer. Brittany excluded herself from voting as a member of the soccer team. Likewise, Jeremy did not vote for this same reason. The presentation was done. It was noted that that was the third indoor session with approximately 18 players registered. The game would involve the SIT and staff who played in the past. The presenter stated that there would be 1-2 games/week and that the fund would be used for facility and referees’ fees. She also highlighted that the games would serve as stress-reliever for students, and interaction with January students. SITSA fund would relieve the students from paying a lot for affiliation which was $45/player. She hinted that there would be no fees when playing outdoors. She was then released and would be notified of SITSA’ standpoint after voting that was to be done thereafter.

3.HR had a $65 request presented in writing by Stephanie Leite for a hotel room for the guest. The event would be on April 23rd, 2010. Jeremy expanded the explanation regarding to the request.

4.Voting was to be done, but Jason was asked to give the balance SITSA had. In a sense, all the votes were shelved until the presentation by Brandon was done.

5.Brandon presented his case based on the question of no people of color in the faculties in SIT. He indicated how in the last semester there were incidents of racial harassment issues. He showed his concern in that he wanted the matter sorted out in the previous semester, but couldn’t due to his personal matter that needed his attention. He requested the attention and support from SITSA to have the issue addressed. He showed to be ready to do his best. In his presentation, he also cited examples of where the places he had chances of visiting where people of color were part of the administration or faculty. He emphasized that he would appreciate clarity as to what could be accomplished in the faculties; be clarified on two important aspects including where the people of color are and when they would be part of the faculty. Brandon stated that he would communicate with MAT Reps in SITSA. He stressed that the matter about racism should not be seen as something personal at all. So, it required to be handled with care considering its sensitivity. Jason thanked for Brandon’s concern. It was then agreed that proper channels would be followed, especially because the matter was urgent looking into the approaching semester closure. As an agreement by the SITSA and Brandon, there would be a written document as a start to address the issue and for the records. It was clear that Brandon had an idea about who to contact in MAT faculty, but needed to hear what SITSA’s stance would be. Barbara gave clarification in that regard. Two names for consultation from MAT Faculty were mentioned: Elizabeth Tannenbaum and Alex Silverman. A recommendation made was that the matter would be moved to upper structures stressing the urgency, thereof. That meant, a written /planned agenda would be sent to the registrar prior to the meeting for her to prepare to discuss the matter to avoid a situation where it would look like an interrogation. That the Chief Academic Officer had just arrived on campus would not be a problem; it was shown that she would be accountable since all the deans sent reports to her. Brandon was asked to be present in the next SITSA sitting before he was released. Brandon was asked to have what he said in print.

6.The SITSA members agreed that there was a need to start town-hall meetings for open discussion where the students’ voice would be heard and the administration would also be invited. The representation would also include the different SIT departments.

7.Jason announced that $500 from Amy was returned to SITSA’s account and also the $70 would be returned. $2130 + $70 were the amount SITSA had as its balance.

8.Soccer and HR requests were passed.

9.It was announced that the next meeting would be held 12H35 in Boyce building.

10.The meeting was ended at about 1h25pm.

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