SIT Student Association

The SIT Student Association is the recognized collective voice of the students.

The purpose of SITSA shall be:
1. Advocate for the SIT student body on such issues as student programs, student life, diversity and community.
2. Plan and/or implement and/or finance a varied program of student activities (in collaboration with DOSS when appropriate)
3. Ensure continuity of student representation, i.e work toward achieving progress on long-term or repeated concerns voiced in previous years by SITSA or other representative student organizations.
4. Responsibly disperse budget.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

November 2, 2010 Meeting

Minutes from Meeting November 2, 2010

Members in Attendance:

Ria Shroff (ISAP), Kirstin French (January-Start PIMs), Tami Brunelle (MAT), Emily Koch (MAT), Catherine Bogle (IE), Tonia Pence (MANG), Chamba Kaluba (C T), Erin Maslanik (SJ), Maggie Dudley (SLM), Annie Hostetter (SD).


PLEASE call or text Kirstin if you will be more than 5 minutes late: 651.491.3980

Position Check-in

Halloween Dance and Debrief. Need receipts for gift certificates. Members have received good feedback since the dance, seems everyone enjoyed the dance. Introductions of members who were present and mention of members who were not and definition of what SITSA stands for.

Tami and Emily completed the bulletin Board is completed. (Tonia and Catherine will not be able to attend next week, due to conferences).

Funding Request s

  • Vote on computer lab mural - Members had a chance to view mural. Discussion on how the space is not really utilized, so students may not get a chance to really see. Members voted to fund mural. Facilities will need to approve mural before it begins.

  • Alpha, representing group of students (informal group from all majors), open to all students and community – regarding a speaker (Vijay Prashad) who has experience with work concerning globalization and sustainability, teaches at Trinity college, department head of East/Asian studies, and who has authored several books, Alpha met in 2003 during undergraduate studies. $500.00 No official form, need form and write up; suggested to present to neighborhoods.

Bowling Night

Members discussed having a night of bowling as way of SITSA members to get to know each other and “hang out.” Members all agreed that it was something they wanted to do, following discussion members scheduled “SITSA social hour,” bowling night for November 16th following the meeting at Brattleboro Bowl.

SITSA Shirts

Discussion regarding T-shirts, too time consuming for contest, would be better to have shirts sooner, rather than later, members decided ask other students if they would like to design T-shirt, if in by next week, will try to make a decision on design next week.

Town Hall Meeting

Members discussed scheduling, attendance and purpose and possible hosting MAT/PIM separate. Members discussed MAT concerns and frustrations. It seems that the changes on campus seem to be a commonality that will link all these issues together, possibility that it is not a SITSA – forum maybe just facilitate, due to the way people are “grabbing on” to the chance to speak. Need time to advertise, organize, and invite students and staff. Quick overview of MAT issues give =internship options, due to lack of funding and staff now overextending-concerned about vision and movement of SIT, and the trickledown effect of the decisions being made, while there are some specific MAT program related, it does reach to all students, disconnect with students and administration. Email from president of world learning regarding vision and changes, sent to students, but current student s did not receive. Content discussion tabled: potential Dates and sent to Deans, Faculty, and Staff (11/15, 11/17, 11/19) 5:30 (possible follow up on 11/30)

Brief intro of SITSA

      • Prompt questions? Or open forum?


Facilitator: ---------------------Kirstin French

Internal Communications:--Erin Maslanik

Campus Communications:--Emily Koch

Graduate Council: ------------Catherine Bogle

Inclusion: -----------------------Chomba Kaluba

Advocacy: ----------------------Tonia Pence

Treasurer: ----------------------Ria Shroff

Academic Affairs: ------------Maggie Dudley

Continuity: ---------------------Tami Brunelle (will also help with Education)

Education: ----------------------Annie Hostetter (will also help with Continuity)

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