SIT Student Association

The SIT Student Association is the recognized collective voice of the students.

The purpose of SITSA shall be:
1. Advocate for the SIT student body on such issues as student programs, student life, diversity and community.
2. Plan and/or implement and/or finance a varied program of student activities (in collaboration with DOSS when appropriate)
3. Ensure continuity of student representation, i.e work toward achieving progress on long-term or repeated concerns voiced in previous years by SITSA or other representative student organizations.
4. Responsibly disperse budget.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

October 26, 2010 Meeting

Minutes from meeting on October 26, 2010

Members in Attendance:

Ria Shroff (ISAP), Kirstin French (January-Start PIMs), Tami Brunelle (MAT), Emily Koch (MAT), Catherine Bogle (IE), Tonia Pence (MANG), Chamba Kaluba (C T), Erin Maslanik (SJ), Maggie Dudley (SLM), Annie Hostetter (SD).

Position Check-In

Emily (Campus Communications), reminded everyone to send pictures for the Bulletin Board, which she reported will be up on Wednesday 13th. She also reported she is working with SA to figure out the table tents and asked for members to bring her boxes to make suggestion boxes.

Funding Requests and Discussion

    • Jose – One King’s Mission and “Street Politics”

See Jose’s proposal (attached). He will no longer need the funds for accommodation, because accommodations are available on campus. Members asked Jose to ask neighborhoods for funding first. At this time he estimates he will be asking each neighborhood for approximately $150. He will contact the neighborhoods, then he follow up SISTA. Request will be tabled till Jose is able follow-up.

    • Doris Battle (presented by Emily)

There was a request for $100 for materials, drop cloth, paint and brushes for a PIM/MAT Mural in the Computer lab in the student center. More than likely the cost will be less, and Doris will return any extra funds. The matter was tabled and voting will take place next week, once members have a chance to see the mural design. There is no deadline for this request.

    • Erin - discussed funding for “Push for Peace,” guest speaker. Member decided the purpose was too unclear, funding request too high, and it seems unclear how much the neighborhoods really support the speaker.

Halloween Dance Update

Categories and prizes are as listed below. Prize amounts are $25.00 each:

Most Elaborate – Nicki’s Gift Certificate

Scariest – Movie Theatre Gift Certificate

Funniest - Amy’s Bakery Gift Certificate

Original/green/resourceful - Sam’s Gift Certificate

Voting for costumes - Four boxes, one for each category, there will be pieces of paper available for students to vote for costumes. The most votes will determine winner in each category, if there is no majority winner, SITSA members will determine

After voting on costumes there will be an announcement for Town Hall meeting.

Town Hall Meeting

Members discussed day, time, purpose and the importance of being prepared. Tuesday 11/2 at 1 p.m. was original day, but there is a meeting that time/day. Members decided to keep original date/time, on 11/2 In IC 101, members will meet at 12:30 prior to meeting. Members will also make announcements – Tami will make announcement at the Halloween dance. Members also decided to invite the Dean and Faculty members, Tony will check for room availability and notify members via email.


No meeting on November 23rd

Meeting adjourned, next meeting will be November 2nd 5:30 IC 101.


Facilitator: ---------------------Kirstin French

Internal Communications:--Erin Maslanik

Campus Communications:--Emily Koch

Graduate Council: ------------Catherine Bogle

Inclusion: -----------------------Chomba Kaluba

Advocacy: ----------------------Tonia Pence

Treasurer: ----------------------Ria Shroff

Academic Affairs: ------------Maggie Dudley

Continuity: ---------------------Tami Brunelle (will also help with Education)

Education: ----------------------Annie Hostetter (will also help with Continuity)

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