SIT Student Association

The SIT Student Association is the recognized collective voice of the students.

The purpose of SITSA shall be:
1. Advocate for the SIT student body on such issues as student programs, student life, diversity and community.
2. Plan and/or implement and/or finance a varied program of student activities (in collaboration with DOSS when appropriate)
3. Ensure continuity of student representation, i.e work toward achieving progress on long-term or repeated concerns voiced in previous years by SITSA or other representative student organizations.
4. Responsibly disperse budget.

Friday, May 14, 2010

May 14

Meeting started at 12:40 in the Boyce Conference Room

1. Budget update: $550-$600 can be spent (this will leave some money to rollover to next year, which is tradition)

2. Discussions about Diversity Proposal took place. SITSA members spoke about the responses they received from the student body and faculty. Responses were mixed. Overall, there seems to be support for the Proposal.

3. Based on a consensus, the Diversity Proposal was passed. SITSA will be endorsing the document.

4. Libby Hill made a requst to fund Faiysal AliKhan's plane ticket. He will be speaking during lunch and at one of the Conflict Transformation courses taught by Tats. The request was for $400.

5. Olesya Boreyko made a request for an end of the year party. The expenses would go towards covering chair massages, transportation for students, food, beverages, and art/game supplies. The request was made for $400.

6. Matthew Abrams made a request to start a Seed Account that will support a community focused event. He presented a letter that would be left with Tony to explain the purpose of the fund to new students. The request was for $400, but ideally, Matt would like the fund to start with $500.

7. Voting: It was decided that all three requests would each get half what they requested at $200 each. Thus, today was the last day that requests will be accepted.

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