SIT Student Association

The SIT Student Association is the recognized collective voice of the students.

The purpose of SITSA shall be:
1. Advocate for the SIT student body on such issues as student programs, student life, diversity and community.
2. Plan and/or implement and/or finance a varied program of student activities (in collaboration with DOSS when appropriate)
3. Ensure continuity of student representation, i.e work toward achieving progress on long-term or repeated concerns voiced in previous years by SITSA or other representative student organizations.
4. Responsibly disperse budget.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

October 18th, 2010 Meeting

Minutes from meeting on October 18, 2010

Members in Attendance:
Ria Shroff (ISAP), Kirstin French (January-Start PIMs), Tami Brunelle (MAT), Emily Koch(MAT), Catherine Bogle (IE), Tonia Pence (MANG), Chamba Kaluba (C T), Erin Maslanik (SJ), Maggie Dudley (SLM), Annie Hostetter (SD).

Position Check-In (12 minutes)
Annie joined SITSA as the SD representative, her role will be Education.

Ria (Treasure) presented an update on SITSA funds: Currently there is $6,200 which includes $1,200 that is reserved for a Community Building Event in the Spring. The individual neighborhood budgets were cut, so funds were taken out of SITSA’s funds and given to them. Ria also suggested we consider benchmarking funds, $500, for next year. If funds have been requested and approved through SISTA, the requesting party will receive those funds through Ria.

Erin (Int. Com) requested clarification on last week’s notes: If a funding request is over $200 there must be consensus reached by voting SITSA members. (Proper amendment will be made to minutes)

Halloween Dance (10 minutes)
There was brief discussion regarding the types of prizes SITSA might offer for the costume party, as well as what amounts those prizes should be. Members voted to allocate $100 for the prizes. A subcommittee (Catherine, Maggie and Tami) was formed to determine prizes and categories. It seems as though at least 6 members will be present for the dance.

Team-Building Tuesdays (3 minutes)
Members agreed to participate in a team building activity, outside of meeting time, such as $2 Bowling, at Brattleboro Bowl on a Tuesday night following the meeting. Setting the date will be added to next week’s agenda.

Campus Awareness (33 minutes)
Emily facilitated a discussion on ways to communicating with the student body. Some of the suggestions included: Bulletin Board, Suggestion Box, Facebook, Table Tents, and emails. Members decided to utilize all the methods.
Each member will send her a photo of his/herself to be placed on the bulletin board in the IC, so students can see who the members are and which neighborhoods they represent. Each member is to email Emily a picture by Monday 10/25. The goal is to have the Bulletin Board done prior to the Halloween Dance.
A Suggestion Box with be placed in key locations around campus. Each member is to make students aware, through neighborhood communication and classes, about the purpose and location of the boxes. The group will be flexible in handling the suggestions, based upon the amount and the nature of the subject matter.
Instead of creating a new Facebook, SISTA will utilize the PIM 70/MAT42 group on FB. Each member is responsible for “spreading the word,” to their neighborhoods and fellow classmates. Member will take a group picture on 10/26, to be posted on this FB group’s wall.
Emily will discuss with Student Activities collaborating our efforts to design and implement the Table Tent proposal.

Two other suggestions were made for raising student awareness regarding SITSA:
1.T-shirts for each member: A discussion took place regarding the creation of SISTA T-Shirts, and possibility of having a neighborhood contest to design a SITSA logo. This issue was tabled.
2.Open Meeting: Members also discussed having an open lunch meeting, with no Agenda to allow students the opportunity to voice any questions or concerns they may have.

Housekeeping (5 minutes)
If members would like an item added to the agenda, they must email Kirstin by 12:00 a.m. the morning prior to the meeting.
6:40 Meeting adjourned, next meeting is October 26, at 5:30 in IC 101

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