Meeting Minutes
In attendance: Tanya, Liz, Ria, Kirstin, Maggie, Jamie and Laura (IE subs for Catherine)
Assign Time Keeper: Tanya
Assign Minute Taker: Maggie
Position Check-in:
Tanya: Sent letter to David, Tony, Jane, and Janet in response to last week's discussion about sexual harassment on campus.
Responses were positive: Jane said report to Tony or any counseling staff; If you confide in any faculty, staff, or RA, they should know to go to Tony with concerns
Tony will post directory of staff phone numbers and display by phones
David and Donna will check lights and assess the lighting situation
We will also email all students with the information Jane provided, with specific attention to making sure off campus students know these services are for them too
Ria: nothing back from Alpha (Maggie just sent him, David, and Tony an email about it)
Liz: Did survey for the MATs
more speakers for MAT community, especially TESOL experts
clarity/availability of services, SITSA unknown
general feelings of being outcasts at SIT
Top-down administrative decision making is a problem
writing lab needs more MAT representatives and more resources in general
Item: Flags need to be updated to include all countries represented at SIT
could we have a flag raising ceremony to promote unity?
January Orientation: Ria, Catherine and Maggie will meet to talk about SITSA's involvement in orientation for January starts.
Sodexo contract: Accountability contract has been offered by Sodexo if there is student interest. Talk to food committee and Communications Committee to discuss the logistics
Keene State already has accountability infrastructure. Contact them if possible, Emily Davis or Katie Homer about connections
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